TKDA/Cedar Street Architects

Applicants of this scholarship must be in the SECOND year of COD’s Architecture program. Applicants must submit a digital portfolio for review by Friday of Finals Week in Fall semester of the applicant’s Second year. This scholarship will be awarded on the quality of applicant’s portfolio work and letter. The awardee will be expected to meet with TKDA/Cedar Street Architecture once awarded and may be considered for an internship opportunity.

Students must currently be registered for Fall 2023 for ARCH 2201 and ARCH 2250. Then must register for ARCH 2202 for Spring 2024.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit an essay introducing yourself and your career goals in architecture.
  2. I understand that I must submit a digital portfolio for review by Friday of Finals Week in Fall semester of my second year at COD in order to apply for this scholarship. Email your digital Portfolio to and add TKDA & Cedar Street Architecture Student Scholarship Portfolio in the subject line along with your Name and COD ID number.